If you or a loved one are the victim of a brain injury, it affects everyone in your social and family circles. The brain controls everything in the body, including emotions, feelings, and thoughts. When these are harmed, relationships can be impacted as well. Whether you’re worried that the initial doctor visit didn’t diagnose your loved one properly, or you wonder if there’s anything you can do beyond what the doctor ordered, you’re in luck. There are many resources for those impacted by traumatic brain injuries, the following being just a few.
Rehabilitation Centers
Depending on the severity of the brain injury, some patients end up in a rehabilitation center following their hospital release. At the rehabilitation center, the patient will continue treatment in order to minimize future complications and help the patient gain back what was lost. Some things rehab centers focus on include:
- Rehab Therapy – The patient will work with psychiatrists and psychologists to understand the extent of the brain injury, as well as any limitations that might be a part of regular life now.
- Occupational Therapy – The patient may need to relearn typical daily activities such as dressing, cooking, speaking, or walking. The staff at a rehab center will work on those things with the patient.
- Ongoing Medical Management – The patient may need to receive medication, be observed for worsening symptoms, or need to recover from a surgery. Rehab center staff members are trained to do these things.
The Social System
Social workers spend time with the patient’s family to help them come up with a plan to take care of the patient long-term. While some mild brain injury victims don’t require this type of attention, there are many who do. If the patient and his or her family have the financial resources, space, and time, the patient may be released to live at home. Social workers will ensure the family has everything necessary including information and training to provide the best care.
It’s possible your loved one will be better off in a skilled nursing home or independent living facility. Social workers can also help everyone involved to make those transitions.
Support Groups
Many local communities have support groups for individuals who have experienced traumatic injuries. These groups may be for the victims themselves, family members of the victims, or for both. Realizing that other people have been successful in recovery is a great way for individuals to gain the confidence they need to move ahead with their lives.
Contacting Your Lawyer
A brain injury lawyer, like a brain injury attorney in Longwood, FL, can help you find these resources so you can provide the best care for your loved one. They can also help you navigate the waters of the legal system, insurance and lawsuits. Contact your lawyer today to get started.
Thanks to David and Philpot, P.L. for their insight into the resources available for those impacted by traumatic brain injuries.