How A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Make Your Case A Breeze
No-one wants to be in a car accident.
There is nothing fun about the day, and moments after, when that happens.
Hopefully, the wreck you got into wasn’t too serious and you are feeling more or less healthy and getting back on your feet.
If you aren’t back on your feet yet and you face a long arduous recovery ahead of you there are three things that hiring a reputable personal injury law firm in your neck of the woods can do to make your life easier now, and for the long haul.
Treatment Taken Care Of
If you don’t have health insurance and don’t have any medical payments coverage or personal injury protection coverage on your policy, you may have to start paying for your health care related expenses right out of the box. Meaning, your health care providers will need to be paid cash money right away to treat you. There aren’t too many treating out of the kindness of their heart doctors around anymore.
By getting a personal injury lawyer on your side you immediately get to cross off your list one of the biggest expenses there is and without any recourse against you if there is no recovery on your case. That means the personal injury lawyer will pay for all of your medical bills and get you seen by some of the best doctors in your area because they are paying them top dollar (usually in cash) for them to treat you.
This has the added benefit of having a personal injury doctor usually write a causation statement in his or her medical note saying they believe the cause of the injuries is related directly to the accident. Most regular doctors won’t do that because they have no reason to. That statement has nothing to do with the medical file. It is strictly to warn insurance company adjusters that they will testify that the injuries are accident related. It may seem like common sense, but those statements are like gold to a personal injury attorney because she knows that statement is what makes insurance company adjusters shake in their boots and push towards settlement.
Dealing With Adjusters (Constantly)
Adjusters need you to constantly update their files. They do this in order to set “reserves” that make sure there is enough insurance money available at all times. They are required to do this by law. During these times, if you are not prepared, they are trying to act all nice and get the case settled for low sums of money. Nothing personal against the adjuster as it is her job to get that done. That being said, you would need to be in touch with her, keep in touch with your medical providers to make sure they are sending the correct records and then ward off the constant onslaught to settle your case before you’ve reached your maximum improvement. A good PI lawyers solves that problem for you immediately.
Negotiate To Death
In most things in life persistence is key to winning. With your health issues to rebound from, your work, your home life, your kids, your busy schedule that is now also filled with having to go to doctors and testing, where is the time to also deal with getting your claim settled for the right amounts of money. The insurance adjuster is not going to treat you like a lawyer. She is going to know you don’t likely know what to do and will do her best to get you to settle. Usually for a lot less than you deserve.
You will have to buckle down, know how much your case is actually worth and be able to dig your heals in to know when they send you an offer to settle if that is a good offer that you should take or a lowball offer that you should punt. That’s hard to know and do without having hundreds of other clients in the same boat as you giving you the answer to those questions. Most people don’t like to negotiate, but lawyers are built for that.
In conclusion, while getting a lawyer may seem stressful in itself, the positives of hiring one to handle your car accident claim far outweigh the negatives.
If you have questions about a car accident case contact a personal injury lawyer for more information and the next steps.