Building, Health and Fire Inspections and Approvals for liquor licenses

One of the final parts of a liquor license application prior to receiving MDOR and/or MDOJ final approvals is obtaining building, health and fire approvals, and a Premise Inspection conducted by the MDOJ Inspector for your restaurant/bar/casino.  

Shortly after the MDOJ and MDOR receives the liquor license application, the MDOR will send out a letter to the local building, health and fire officials to let them know that a new liquor license is being applied for.  Some of the officials will respond to MDOR advising that they will not approve until they complete their inspections.  This is normal, so do not worry if you get one of these letters from the local officials.

Each county has their own building, health and fire officials, however, some of the smaller counties in Montana use a state official for building and fire inspections.  Normally the license Applicant is the one who needs to contact the building, health and fire officials to schedule up the inspections to their licensed premises.  But, this is something that Silverman Law Office can help with during the license application. 

**Something to mention is that the health department can be very difficult to work with because they will tell you that they have 30 days to complete their inspection. So, the health department is the 1st local official you would want to contact.**

Usually about 2 weeks prior to the licensed premises being completed, Applicants are encouraged to contact those local officials to schedule and conduct their inspections.  All inspectors must either email or telephone the MDOR Compliance Specialists with their inspection approvals.  Once their approvals are communicated to MDOR, the MDOR Compliance Specialist contacts the MDOJ Inspector to do their Premise Inspection of the licensed premises.    

If you need help with any of the inspectors, a lawyer, like a regulatory compliance lawyer from Silverman Law Office, can help you out in this area since they deal with liquor license applications all the time.