If you were injured at work, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. When you file a workers’ compensation claim, it doesn’t matter who was negligent. All that matters is that if you are an employee and suffer an injury at work, you are entitled to compensation, as a workers compensation attorney, like from Rispoli & Borneo, can explain. Here is what you need to know about workers’ compensation claims and your employer’s obligations.
What Do You Need to Do After an Accident?
If you had an accident at work that resulted in an injury, then you need to report it to your employer as soon as possible. If you wait too long, you could lose your opportunity to file a claim. Some states allow up to 90 days to file a claim, but others insist that you file a claim as soon as possible.
What Are Your Employer’s Obligations?
Employers have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment. Also, employers must have a workers’ compensation plan. If an employer doesn’t have workers’ compensation insurance, he or she could face penalties such as fines or criminal charges.
When you inform your employer of an accident, he or she has to report it to the insurance carrier. If you need emergency medical attention, it is your employer’s job to provide it. Then, the employer will complete a report and mail it to the workers’ compensation board office.
If the board asks for further information, then the employer has to be willing to provide it. Often, this will be information about the accident, about the employee’s earnings and the date that the employee will return to work.
What if Your Employer Doesn’t Follow Through with the Report?
In a situation where your employer does not file a workers’ compensation claim, you need to get in touch with your local Workers’ Compensation Board. Once in contact with the board, they will help you go through the process of filing the WC-14. Also, you should set up an appointment with an attorney. He or she will help you fight for your coverage, if necessary.
If you were injured while at work, then you are entitled to compensation. In most situations, employers will file the report and you will receive the compensation that you deserve. However, in a bad situation, an employer may not report the incident. If this happens, you do have legal recourse. To find out more about what you can do to receive your benefits, consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer today!