What to Do After an Uber Accident

Uber has definitely made transportation a lot more convenient for everyone. Instead of standing around and waiting for a bus or taxi, you can order an Uber right off your smartphone in just a few minutes. However, with the high volume of Uber vehicles on the road, there are bound to be more accidents. 

Being involved in an Uber accident can definitely be a frightening experience. However, if you know what to do immediately afterward, it can make things a little easier. Here are the steps you should take after an Uber accident:

Make Sure That Everyone Is Alright

The first thing you should do is ask everyone if they’re okay. This includes the driver and other passengers that may be riding with you. While some Uber accidents are fairly minor, others can leave people with serious injuries.

Contact the Police

Even if no one is hurt, it’s important to call the police right away. They will come to the scene and make a report of the accident. This report will include important details, such as where and when the accident occurred and the names of everyone involved. Afterward, ask for a copy of the police report. If you plan to file a claim against Uber, this report will come in handy.

Take Photos

If you’re physically able to do so, take several photos of the accident scene with your smartphone camera. Capture shots of the vehicles involved in the accidents, skid marks on the road and traffic signs. As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. If you have clear photos of the accident scene, it can serve as evidence for your claim.

Write Down the Details the Accident

As soon as you get home, write down everything you remember about the accident. For example, you may want to include details about the weather conditions, where the accident occurred and any road defects. You may also want to describe the Uber driver’s behavior before and after the crash.

Seek Medical Attention

Even if you feel fine right now, it’s in your best interest to see a doctor as soon as possible. Some car accident injuries, such as whiplash, might not show symptoms right away. The longer you wait to get examined, the worse your injuries may become. A doctor will evaluate you for injuries and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Hire a Lawyer

If you plan to file a claim against Uber, you should hire an experienced Uber accident lawyer in Indianapolis, IN. He or she can help you put together a strong case and improve your chances of getting fair compensation.

Thanks to Ward & Ward Law Firm for their insight into personal injury claims and what to do after an Uber accident.