When you are injured in some way and cannot work anymore, you may not be sure what to do. You may decide that filing for Social Security disability is the best option but aren’t sure where to start. If this is the case, you should reach out to speak with our Social Security disability lawyers now. We know that this is a difficult time for you as you are trying to understand how to apply and what your life is going to look like without work, which is why we would like to help you with your claim. However, you may not be sure what an attorney can do for your claim and you may be wondering what you should be looking for in an attorney. For more information on what to look for so that you can be comfortable with your claim, reach out to our office now and read on.
Top Things We Offer Our Clients
It is important that you work with an attorney you are comfortable with. While filing for Social Security may seem like a process that is as simple as filling out forms, it can become complicated quickly. Further, statistics show that people who use a Social Security attorney to help them with their claim are much more likely to have their claim accepted than those who don’t. Thus, you want to know what you should look for when you are reaching out to attorneys. Below, we’ll tell you what we offer our clients and how we make them feel as comfortable as possible during the process of filing their claim.
- We Don’t Promise a Certain Outcome. Many people speak with their attorney and hope that they will promise the claim will be accepted or a hearing will turn out a certain way. However, this is not what you want to hear at all. If a Social Security lawyer promises that your claim will be accepted, this is unethical. It is important that your attorney is honest with you regarding the process and what the outcome may be. It’s true that we have worked with clients in the past and been successful, which means that we may have a better chance of getting you a favorable outcome.
- We Respect Our Clients. Having an attorney who respects you is paramount. If you feel that your attorney is not listening to your complaints, does not take the time to hear you out, or flat out disrespects you, this is not the attorney for you. We take the time to carefully review the details of our clients’ cases and listen to their concerns. It’s true that attorneys have multiple cases and have court appearances that they need to go to, but you should feel that your attorney makes time for you when you meet with them.
- Experience With Different Medical Conditions. When you file for Social Security disability, it is because you have some type of medical condition that does not allow you to work. If your attorney does not understand certain medical conditions, they may not have all the facts they need when representing you. You should speak with your attorney and see what kind of experience they have regarding certain medical conditions and Social Security claims.
For more information on how we can help you with your Social Security disability claim, please call a social security disability lawyer for SSDI benefits in Johnson City.
Thanks to The Law Office of Mark T. Hurt for their insight into Social Security disability law.